Fondazione Aiutiamoli a Vivere

Logo for the Foundation Aiutiamoli a Vivere which in Terni, since 1992, non-profit, encourages any initiative to inform and raise awareness about local emergencies and those of Eastern European countries and in the developing world, in Africa, Asia and central and southern America, supporting the principle of cooperation between them, Italy, the European Economic Community and other industrialized powers.

Fondazione Cavalleri

Identity for the Foundation Monsignor Cavalleri, the new managing body of the School Audiofonetica of Brescia.

Ibix User Manual

IBIX Mobile Lab® ST01 is a comprehensive & versatile portable laboratory to analyse and diagnose historic building materials in an easy and clear manner. By using this equipment the basic techniques to categorise natural and artificial stones as well as degradation phenomena are made available to all those working in cultural heritage preservation.

Il Cenacolo delle Arti

Coordinated image for the cultural association created to promote and support the talents brescani in various artistic fields.


Stationery for “Kronos – Innovazione e tecnologia nell’edilizia”.